Things students don't know about university transfer... (Must read) - MACROEDU


Sunday, August 06, 2017


Things students don't know about university transfer... (Must read)

Nigeria inter-university transfer is a very hard task because of somethings students don't know.
Things you must have before applying for inter-university transfer.
1.Outstanding Cgpa
Well this might be something that student tends to neglect but bet me it a very important factor when applying for an inter-university transfer especially in Nigeria. The reasons why this is necessary is because many student like you are looking for the same spot like you.So standing out of thousand with your result is really necessary.First class result is a very good bonus to your application.

2 Academic Transcript
Academic transcript is a very vital document to start your inter-university transfer.The document include the summary of all the examination written in that university.Student who have there university on strike have the problem of getting this which is the number one document for inter-university transfer.

After having above documents you are surely half way there. What are the thing you have put into consideration before applying for transfer.
The first thing to know is that inter-university transfer is subject to vacancy, student are advisable to know that it is not 100% sure even after having the required cgpa needed.

Take for example a medical student that want to apply for a university transfer should know that for m.b.b.s program there is accreditation quota which must be obeyed.

The following are the list of universities that allow inter-university transfer
1.Ahmadu bello university of ibadan for some program
3.obafemi awolowo university
4.ladoke akintola university of technology, ogbomoso
5.Nnamdi Azikwe university
6.University of ilorin accept 2-3 m.b.b.s students yearly.
7Lagos state university
And other states and private university

Note:most of the private university in Nigeria does not require transcript as the last semester result are very vital for there transfer.
Inter-University transfer is an internally organize arrangement in Nigeria universities so student can only apply for the program on university portal after the end of academic year.

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