Obafemi Awolowo University Hostels Are Dirty (Disturbing Photos) - Education - MACROEDU


Monday, October 23, 2017


Obafemi Awolowo University Hostels Are Dirty (Disturbing Photos) - Education

OAU Ile-Ife Hostels Are Dirty, Rot In Learning Environment 
In as much as this article is not meant to spite the school authority, as bunch of it is directed towards the students, the school authority still have a great role to play in ensuring good living conditions of their students though it seems the students have been left alone to continue living like animals.

Since I've been in this school I haven't visit any female hostel as most guys would have, so my assertions here are based on what I had seen in the three males hostel i.e Awolowo, Fajuyi and Angola halls. A visit to any of the aforementioned hostel in normal weekdays will make you speechless but a visit on Saturdays and Sundays will definitely make you puke. The sight of dirt flowing around will made you wondered whether you're truly in OAU or some god forsaken prison yard, to be honest with y'all most OAU boys behave less than worst animals you see out there, that you'll begin to question yourself whether you're truly in the midst of people or mindless animals.

The toilets will be left unkept even when there is water to do so, the rooms will be left untidy like some animal breeding grounds, clean up the room this hour, next hour its already chaos, there are waste bins around but no one is using them.

I'm using this opportunity to reach out to my fellow students to imbibe the culture of cleanliness, let's begin to reason like humans and do the right things, please make use of the waste bins, clean your environments.

To the school authority, more hostels need to be built, you can't accommodate more than 10,000 boys in 4000 spaces, the toilets are eyesore, they all needed to be fixed or replaced, and lastly we are not animals stop treating us like one.
We can't be living in bushes because weren't wilds.

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