5 Funny things you witness in Nigeria Universities - MACROEDU


Monday, August 21, 2017


5 Funny things you witness in Nigeria Universities

5 Funny things you witness in Nigeria Universities

1. Over population in a lecture theaters and hostel rooms
Trust me if you get to some Nigeria Universities you will bear see series of fights in various corners because of lack of space to sit on.

2. Professor intimidation
Well unlike other universities around the world, In a Nigeria universities you see some professors that are very brilliant and though. When they mark your examination script you find it difficult to have A even after reading 3-4 textbooks.

3. Students intimidation
Trust me you see student who intimidae you with big cars,beauty and other. You  will see one student in your class that knows all.

4 . Stressful practicals with no accurate results because of lack of Apparatus.
Trust me in most Nigerian universities you will see copy and paste practicals because of rowdy practical classes and presence of damaged apparatus.

5. Long class section
In most Nigeria Universities you see classes of 5-6 hours long where you have to be praying for the lecturers to go out because you hardly gain from what he is saying.

What is funny in your university too. Let us know

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